商品情報 ※本商品は海外からの取寄せ商品となります。【商品概要】【商品説明】The kingdoms of Alistel and Granorg are at war. As a result, terrible things have happened and will continue to happen - things that may even threaten the fabric of the overarching world of world of Vainguer. This war must be won, ended, or both and Stocke is the one chosen to make it so. Stocke is an agent in the Special Intelligence division in the kingdom of Alistel. Beyo【当店からの連絡】※輸送時に外装にダメージが付く場合がございますので予めご了承ください。※商品や説明書きが外国語のみの場合がございますので予めご了承ください。