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People Like Us: The Complete Series [DVD] [Import]【2025年度カレンダ】

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商品名 People Like Us: The Complete Series [DVD] [Import]
商品コメント レビュ-Hilarious in its dry, understated, and very British way, People Like Us debuts on DVD more than a decade after its inception, with its two and only seasons (1999 and 2001) on two discs, each containing six roughly 30-minute episodes. In each of these mockumentaries, interviewer Roy Mallard (Chris Langham, whom we hear but never actually see, save for an occasional limb or the back of his head) talks to and observes various folks--the managing director of a computer company, a young policeman, a couple of lawyers, a pair of airline pilots, a photographer, a vicar, a bank manager, and so on--as they go about their work. Of course, they arent really people like us at all. For one thing, theyre actors (mostly unknown to American viewers, with the exception of Bill Nighy, the photographer); for another, they are appallingly dunderheaded and inept, not to mention cluelessly self-important (a prudent exception is the pilots, who are amusing but definitely not incompetent). But theyre a flock of Einsteins compared to Mallard. Its not just his narration, which is thinly veiled nonsense (Robs voice-over is relatively short, compared to longer ones he says of an actor on an audition, while another interviewee is one of the most promising young potential sporting prospects for the tomorrow of the future). Mallard inevitably inserts himself into his interviews in the most tactless and inappropriate ways, usually with results that are disastrous for all concerned; hes particularly unprofessional and embarrassing in the second set of episodes, in which his squirm-inducing behavior borders on the Larry David-esque. If theres a parallel for the U.S. audience, it might be This Is Spinal Tap, with Mallard as director Marty DiBergi and his various subjects similar to Nigel Tufnel and his mates; as in Tap, the interactions appear to be at least partially improvised, and the subtlety of much of the humor requires that viewers pay close attention, lest some gem of idiocy pass unnoticed. --Sam GrahamProduct DescriptionBBC interviewer Roy Mallard (Chris Langham, The Thick Of It) travels the country to talk to ordinary folk. Mallard has little or no skill as an interviewer: he is over-earnest, and after most of his voiceovers, you realize theres something slightly odd about what hes said. Hes apt to talk nonsense and is so obviously unattractive theres a running joke that nobody can believe hes married. But we never catch a glimpse of him: in a TV first, the central character of this program is always out of shot.
People Like Us: The Complete Series [DVD] [Import]【2025年度カレンダ】

残り 1 8596円

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お届け日: 2025.02.06〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)

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